Inspiration from Melissa

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to you all!

First a little gift to share w/ you of a stack of cards that i put together in a cute little clear box along w/ envelopes to match for one of Hannah's teacher's. For those of you who attend my camps, do you remember making this card?! I found it while cleaning house! hehe I'm not sure how long ago we made it but i know it's been a few yrs! Terrible... I'm embarrassed to admit i still have it in my house! I always preach to you all about making sure you SEND THEM OUT bla bla bla...don't hoard.... bla bla bla *wink*

That time of year is finally here! i love it and i mean everything, the smells, candies, family time, shopping and most of all celebrating that our Lord sent his only Son to be born that special day....How amazing is that alone? Having a baby boy of my own, gives me a small glimpse of what Mary experienced during that time. I want to start some traditions of our own for our little family of 5 and one of those is to make sure my children REALLY know what this season is all about.

 The girls where huge helps this year, Hannah could even do the dipping all on her own until she was sick of it and then Daddy took over. Miss Haley was my kiss unwrapper!
i don't usually write much except what you need to know about what i made i guess, but today i have a story to share mainly bc i don't want to forget it myself!

Growing up we were not told that Santa was real and so therefore i never planned to carry that tradition on w/ my children either and wanted it to be all about baby Jesus. However we are surrounded by Santa and my kids 'believed' it and so i guess i kinda got on the band wagon too? Now a few weeks ago Hannah and Haley came to me after inspecting our fire place to find out that it's gas w/ a glass front and NO DOORS THAT OPEN!!! Mom, how is Santa gonna get in? i told my first white lie... "he's magic"

2 weeks goes by and Monday night i began wrapping gifts after the kidos are soundly sleeping prettily placed them under the tree. Tues morn they wake and with glee announce that Santa came last night and put their presents under the tree!!! i just smiled and said, "Check it out!"

2 hrs go by and i had a roll of wrapping paper on my bedroom floor when Hannah(5 yrs) walks in. Staring at the paper looking very perplexed she said...."Mom did you wrap all those presents under the tree?" I had to pause... BUSTED...and then honestly said, "yes Hannah i did." Putting her hands on her little hips and w/ complete disgust, she looked at me and said, "Mom you LIED to me."  

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